
This section of buraglio.com is maintained by the domain owner, me, Nick Buraglio.

I’ve owned buraglio.com (as well as .net, .org and many other domains) since around 1997 and have done my best to do at least something with it.

My technical notes and postings (other than maybe some stuff about gadgets) can be found over at forwardingplane.net, my technical blog.

I’m a person of many interests. I hold a bachelors degree in arts and technology (sequence in photography) with a minor in film studies and some of a minor in applied computer science from Illinois State University and am currently employed by the University of Illinois as a Lead Network Engineer and am the Lead Network Engineer for the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) broadband project of the year, UC2B.  I have worked in the network provider industry for about 15 years, holding Network Engineering positions at Regional Internet Providers as well as at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. I’ve participated in SCinet on several occasions and was part of the Network Engineering working group that built and maintained the TeraGrid. My professional resume can be found here. I also have a google profile available here, but there isn’t much there that you won’t find here.  Additionally. I have an about.me page that has similar information.

On a more personal level, I am married and have two sons, Luke and Zach as well as 1 dog and 3 cats. I have many hobbies, including zymology (making beer and mead), grappling (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, submission wrestling) and as of 12009 hold a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Jack McVicker. I am also interested in circuit training, Cycling and Skateboarding.

I also have interests camping, backpacking, knives as well as a fascination with timepieces such as watches (both analog and electronic) in addition to electronics in general.

I can be best contacted via email.